Inhumane Rights At Guantanamo Essay

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Inhumane Rights At Guantanamo
Extreme. Out of an entire English language, this word fits best to describe the situation at Guantanamo Bay. Through the Platt Amendment1, the United States gained control of this soon territory. Ever since, it has been in use for excessive capture and torture of terrorists and the “worst of the worst” (Braven 1) dealing with international affairs. The facility receives international, unwanted attention due to the violation and lack of human rights and due process of law. Captives are held within terrible conditions in which they have no rights or say on whether they may be guilty or not and are most often declined a fair trial. With Obama promising to close the base at the beginning of his office but never enforcing it, this has caused this issue to grow and flourish. The general being of Guantanamo Bay is a major point for the United States and dealing with human rights.
The location of Guantanamo Bay plays a vital source in the harsh geography and living conditions. To start off, it is located on the Southern end of the tropical island of Cuba, or “an inlet on the extreme southeast coast of Cuba” (Guantanamo Bay 1) (See Figure 1) Also, “The bay makes an …show more content…

One can not rig a trial just to keep an innocent prisoner in jail forever. The prosecution is also awful here at Guantanamo Bay. “In 2004, FBI agents reported that torture was being used at Guantanamo” (Two Prosecutors Quit In Protest) Also, “The US authorities have not granted the detainees prisoner-of-war status” (Harsh Detention for Afghan Prisoners). If they are not granted prisoner-of-war status, then what even are they? It can not be defined with a word as they are just jailed with due process of law or even in most cases access to a simple phone call or lawyer. If Guantanamo Bay breaks this many legal limits and laws, it deserves to be

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