Inkan Women Vs Chinese Women Essay

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The duties and expectations of a woman in Inkan society and Chinese society can be compared in many ways. The women in both societies were generally in lower regard than men. Women were given their roles, duties, and expectations for both societies. However, according to the textbook “Male dominance was a key element in the social system of ancient China”, and for the women of the Inkan society, the textbook explains “For women, there was one escape from a life of domestic servitude. Fortunate maidens were selected to serve as “chosen virgins” in temples throughout the country.” When comparing Inkan society and Chinese society, both are examples of how women were usually subordinate to men. However, Chinese society women were able to achieve greater duties compared to Inkan society. …show more content…

According to the textbook, “The girls were taught to dye, spin, and weave cloth and perform other domestic chores”. In Inkan society women were taught their roles at a young age, and they were expected to remain virgins. Virginity was one important expectation when it pertained to Inkan society. According to the textbook, “If one lost her virginity, she was condemned to be buried alive in an underground chamber.” Once a virgin women was over forty years of age and was no longer considered beautiful, she was expected to “perform unimportant religious duties and work in the field or as ordinary seamstress.” The women of Inkan society were separated into different groups. They were either in a domestic servitude, sacred virgins, or common virgins. Yet there were all expected to perform duties in which were expected of