
Innocence In The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? What is the moral of that movie? Is it human decency? Let's get to it. In the movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, we see so many signs of human decency and so many signs of the evil in some humans. Look at Bruno. Bruno is a nine year-old German boy who lives in a life of luxury and wealth. He is very naive. Bruno doesn’t realize what is happening when he discovers the death camp, he thinks it is just a farm with weird people wearing striped pajamas. Unlike his mom, Gretle, and Maria, Bruno doesn’t know what the camp truly is and why those people were there. So, Bruno sees Shmuel by the fence and becomes friends with him from outside the fence. Shmuel is a Jewish boy in the fence around Bruno’s age. Shmuel is naive too, but, has a little bit more knowledge of what is going on. Shmuel knows he and everyone else is in the camp because they are Jewish and he knows that they have to work very, very …show more content…

Bruno’s grandfather supports everything that the Nazis were doing, he makes that very clear. Herr Liszt supports everything the Nazis were doing by teaching Gretle and Bruno that the killing of the Jews is just the Nazis being at war with them. Herr Liszt even claims and tells the two that the Jews caused all the problems in the world and even the Great War (World War One). Bruno’s father runs the death camp. And Lieutenant Kotler beats Pavel and pretty much threatens to beat Shmuel. As I said earlier, Lieutenant Kotler knocked his own drink over and yelled racists things at Pavel and took Pavel into the next room and beat Pavel very badly. Lieutenant Kotler even makes a remark about the furnaces and says how they stink even worse now than they did when they were alive, or something close to that remark. Their evil makes Bruno’s actions seem like the best human decency possible, and it probably

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