Insecurity In Macbeth's Soliloquy

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Throughout King Macbeth’s impassioned soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, his insecurity and inferiority complex is highlighted as he strives to rationalize his position as king and murderer. At the beginning of his soliloquy, Macbeth declares that “to be thus is nothing” despite having committed heinous crimes to become this “nothing”. The parallel structure used in “to be thus” and “to be safely thus” juxtaposes what he has and what he lacks as king, indicating his feeling of inferiority in and his lack of worth of his stolen crown (48). By committing horrible sins to achieve the crown, he had soiled the title of it and demoted it into “nothing”. King Macbeth also reveals that he believes the Sisters placed “upon [his] head...a fruitless crown and put a barren sceptre in [his grip]”, exhibiting how he will not be able to leave behind a legacy as king and how Banquo’s sons will take over his already unstable rank. The diction of “fruitless”, “barren” and “unlineal” are considered to be symbols of weakness, compromising his masculinity and prowess as king, giving Macbeth even more reason to be insecure with his stolen position as the monarch of Scotland. During his heightened frenzy about Banquo, Macbeth compared the pair to Mark Antony and Julius Caesar, fearful that “his Genius [would be] rebuked” as “Mark Antony’s was by Caesar” (56). His insecurity in his position pushed him to be suspicious of anything and everything, including his fellow general Banquo, whom Macbeth believed would rob him of his place as king because of how much more worthy he was of the title. Banquo had a “royalty of nature” and a “wisdom that doth guide his valor”, regal characteristics Macbeth lacked.