Integrative Model Of Employee Motivation

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Employee Commitment and Motivation: A Conceptual Analysis and
Integrative Model
Commitment and motivation are related concepts applied towards organizational work. Motivation can be defined as forces originating within and beyond an individual to initiate behaviour and its form, direction, intensity, and duration. Whereas commitment can be defined as a binding force towards a goal. John P Meyer’s and Thomas E. Becker’s integrative model is based on the foundations of J. P. Meyer’s and L Herscovitch’s (2001) model of workplace commitment and E.A Locke’s (1997) work motivation process.
Motivation and commitment are both forces which influence behaviour. In this integrative model, Meyer and Becker put commitment as part of motivation process which will influence workplace behaviour. To create this model, Meyer and Becker used Locke’s (1997) model and modified it to treat motivation as a multidimensional and create distinction between discretionary and nondiscretionary behaviour. According to Deci & Ryan’s (2000) self-determination theory, motivation is a self-initiated or externally stimulated intention to act. The integrative model modifies Locke’s model (1997) by introducing commitment to social foci, goal regulation, goal commitment and bases for commitment.
The four goal mechanisms which are direction, effort, persistence, and task strategies identified by Locke (1997) will be direct outcomes of discretionary and nondiscretionary behaviour. The effects of the behaviour