Internalized Oppression Of Women Essay

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The Internalized Oppression Of Women

The absence of equality in society is a huge problem and important topic to discuss, the oppression women receive is based on sexist ideology that has impacted women for hundreds of years. Patriarchal systems and misogynistic foundations have formed a view that women are inferior to men. When one is oppressed consistently they internalize it, the victim of oppression believes and even creates ideas that negetavely impact them and others oppressed for similar reasons. Internally creating these views allows the sexist ideology to be supported and continued, internalizing oppression is a coping mechanism to help individuals control the hate toward them but it does nothing to stop oppression from continuing. …show more content…

The misogyny men put into the world years ago impacts how men now and in the future will view women. With internalized misogyny in men ¨it is not now the individual man treats a woman… is to talk about a whole set of social patterns¨ (Kean). The internalization now stems from past ideals in society that seemingly cannot be overcome. Men grow up with this subconscious idea that they are better and have a greater impact on society without direct reason as to why, men can be sexist without having any idea why or how it began. Confronting the idea of being misogynistic without being aware and noticing how women are impacted by the stereotypes placed on them helps stop oppression toward women as a whole. In simpler words, ¨if misogyny was not so prevalent in society, then there would be less internalized misogyny as a result¨(Holmberg). Misogyny in men is a horrifying concept for women, it can range from comments on how women do things that men do not approve of to violence towards women for no reason but to feel power and control over women. This very heavily contributes to systematical oppression and makes it difficult to address the problem and expect men to …show more content…

If everything is separated by the idea that it belongs to a certain gender, the genders will never be equal and there will always be a divide. Stopping oppression in women involves thinking about how one acts and was raised from childhood, the beliefs and values a person has makes up how that person acts. Being unaware of sexist habits fuels the problem and allows people who know they are oppressing women to continue to do so because nobody has shown them the effect it has on the world. There has been a change made surrounding gender inequality, women can vote, own property, be independent, and much more. The sad reality of this is that it had to be allowed by men to happen, the idea that one is better than another purely because of gender has shaped society for too long and the realization of this subconscious behavior needs to progress. Otherwise, internal oppression will cease to exist and the idea that women are inferior to men will be a primary foundation in our society and be a fact rather than an