Kennedy's Friend Relationship

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1. How do the characters communicate with other characters? Kyle uses Perceptual filter, and was a Pursuasive and Competent communicator:”Do you want to fight these terrorists in San Diego?” Kyles spiritual needs and ethics:” I will stand before my Creator and justify every shot.” Most Interpersonal communication happens between him his wife and son. Small group communication happens when kyle wants to teach the urban warfare fighting to Marines. Kyle was a high self monitor to his friends and family and low self moniotor with his superiors or people he didnt respect. Kyle shows his Navy Seal pin under his tuxedo which is a symbol of his devotion. Charlie platoon used a symbol on their gear, a punisher symbol, death. When kyle talks about his Navy Seal buddy in the hospital and his other friend tells him that he is now dead, that was gossip. When Kyles friend tells everyone a joke about chris kyle blowing a hundred men, his friend knew the audience and adapted. When his wife says “When your here, you're not really here”, this is a You statement and she is blaming kyle for …show more content…

What sorts of things influence the characters’ perceptions and how does this impact their communication with other characters? Courtesy and he conforms to a norm , he tends to be formal. Show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate and a front. His spotter tells him they will fry him if he is wrong. Perceptual filter:” Soldier died because he stopped believing in the mission.” He didn’t do more, didn’t save more United States Marines. He believed the war cause righteous. Kyle is saved by doing what he felt he fell short of doing in Iraq with helping with wounded warriors. He wasnt keeping good relational needs with his wife and friends, examples in the movie was she was angry at him and his blood pressure was high. Kyle seen his identity as being rightious and loyal. When Kyle found those weapons cache in the house he perceived them Iraqis as a threat, So he starts the perception