Interpersonal Communication Reflection

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The chapter starts with the elements of the story structure. It includes plot, a sequence of events involving characters in conflict situations with 4 components of the plot development of a problem, roadblocks, the high point, and the solution; characters, which are people or personified animals, that are developed in the appearance, actions, dialogue, and monologue; setting, which can be integral or backdrop and have dimensions of location ,weather, period, and the passage of time; point of view, which can be 1st person, omniscient, limited omniscient, objective; and theme, which is the underlying meaning of a story. The author also describes narrative devices, such as comparisons, hyperboles, or symbolism. Then the chapter goes to talk about how to teach about stories through reading mentor tests, teaching minilessons about story structures and giving opportunities to write stories. Then the author talks about use of technology, ESL and the story comprehension, and assessing.
 Does the author make you think differently? If so, in what ways? In which areas do you agree or disagree with the author? …show more content…

I see that my future students will not have good comprehension of the story and will need a lot of instruction. I appreciate different ideas of teaching various elements, as the plot profile, or the sketch-to-sketch drawing. I see how much time the teacher will have to spend to discuss the themes of the given story, and how to present them with colors, lines, etc. I think it is still worth it as it can deepen the understanding of themes of the students. Moreover, I love idea of digital storytelling, yet I think the requirements must be age appropriate and it should be used for upper grades. I remember it was a difficult task for me, so I do not think 3rd graders would be able to successfully create a digital