A commonly asked question is how did the earth form? Many scientists have worked and studied the many possible theories behind how this beautiful planet which is home to many living things, and many other planets were formed. Scientist such as Stephen Hawking, have tried to discover how not only how the planets are formed, but how the entire universe has been created. He talks about these extraordinary events in his movie, Into the Universe.
The universe has a unique and interesting story about how it came to be the universe. The story starts with a bang and a bunch of luck about 14 billion years ago. When the universe was created it materialized from nothing and simply just burst into existence in an event called the Big Bang. Nothing had
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Gravity is a force that attracts a body towards any physical body having mass. The early universe had a tiny unevenness which caused gravity to pull more strongly to one side of the cosmos. For over 200 million years gravity began to pull gas back together to produce the first structures from which everything else would grow. In the early universe, parts of the sea of gas were slightly thinner than others. The less dense areas were gapped and more spacious, while the dense parts of the sea of gas were being clumped together by gravity. These clumped areas would soon for stars and galaxies. All distant galaxies are slightly red in color, and the redness of the galaxies can reveal how the universe was born. 13.5 billion-years ago the universe was mostly made of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is the most simplest of gases, but is a tremendous source of power. When hydrogen is heated to 10 million degrees it begins to produce the energy that makes the star’s shine, which provides the universe with warmth and light. When creating a star, gravity pushes hydrogen atoms together, causing tempters to rise. By the time the hydrogen reaches 10 million degrees a process called nuclear fusion begins. When the hydrogen atoms fuse together, it makes a heavier new material called helium. In the process of creating a star hydrogen atoms fuse to make helium atoms, the helium atoms then fuse together to make carbon. This process continues until the star becomes layered like an onion. The closer to the core of the star, the heavier the elements are, elements such as neon, oxygen, and iron. Since iron doesn’t produce energy when it fuses, the fire in the star begins to go out. Iron continues to build up in the star’s core until almost all the remaining fuel runs out. Gravity causes the star to squash itself, making tempters skyrocket within the star, causing the star to explode. After the explosion the star dies,