Intrinsic Motivation Paper

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Establishing a Survey for Measuring Intrinsic Motivation
Gianluca A. DiUbaldi
Providence College

Establishing a Scale for Measuring Intrinsic Motivation Motivation plays a vital role in the choices people make on a day-to-day basis. Many people are influenced by the world around them and let such external forces dictate their lives. However, it is those who can be motivated intrinsically that are truly acting upon their own desires. They are in more control over their behavior and can steer their life in the direction they want it to go. Only through self-motivation can one truly perform to the best of his or her ability for they are their own catalyst. The goal of past research was to show how intrinsic motivation and …show more content…

The survey was then submitted to SONA. Participants in this study could not omit any answers to any of the questions and were told to answer each question honestly. Once all of the participants have taken the survey online through SONA, frequency tables and Cronbach’s Alphas were determined through SPSS. All the negatively keyed questions were rekeyed before they were analyzed to make sure that all the questions were analyzed the same way. The pilot survey was modified in that two negatively keyed questions were taken out for their frequency table showed that they were not reliable questions. Participants also gave feedback on the surveys and their feedback was filtered into the final time one survey that another research Design and Statistical Analysis I class of twenty students will take. The results from the survey will be measured just like before through SPSS by measuring the frequencies of their answers as well as the Cronbach’s alpha. This same class will take this same survey again, meaning that no questions can be changed, omitted, or added, after two weeks and their results will be analyzed again in the same was as before to test rater- …show more content…

The Cronbach’s alpha was 0.763 when all fourteen questions were included. When two negatively keyed questions were emitted from the calculation, the Cronbach’s alpha score increased to 0.857. The score being greater than 0.8 shows that there is a higher reliability in the survey questions once those two questions were removed. The two removed questions were not reliable for they did not have good inter- question correlation. The results from the second Research Design and Statistical Analysis class’ survey answers will be measures and its Cronbach’s alpha will be recorded. These results will be measured and recorded again after this class takes the same survey again to further test the reliability of the survey. A similar Cronbach’s alpha rating would mean a high correlation between survey questions as well as if the survey questions are reliable and valid. The discriminant reliability will also be measured between this survey and a survey that assess social desirability to make sure there is a low