Introduction Of A Medicaid-Managed Care Monitoring System For San Diego County

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The introduction of a Medicaid-managed care monitoring system for San Diego County is the main adjustment to the public health system brought about by the Healthy San Diego (HSD) project. The method of delivering healthcare services to the region's Medicaid population has changed because of this development. To enhance the quality, accessibility, and coordination of treatment for Medicaid members, HSD developed managed care as an alternative to depending only on a fee-for-service approach (Murtagh & Erwin, 2022). Collaboration between several groups and participants, the hospital organization, county health section, medical society, legal assistance, and council of community clinics, was necessary for the adoption of managed care.
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These partners can understand the interconnection and interconnectivity of the Public Healthcare System, which reflects the ideas of systems thinking. For example, Medicine, Community Health Centers, Public Health, Health Insurance, Legal Assistance, Consumer Advocacy Organizations, other medical professionals, the DHCS)/Medi-Cal Managed Care Division, and the County of San Diego Health and HHSA are among the partners involved in the initiative (Murtagh & Erwin, 2022). HSD makes sure that varied viewpoints and areas of expertise are considered in decision-making processes by incorporating a variety of stakeholders. Their assistance demonstrates the understanding that enhancing healthcare services requires a thorough, multi-sectoral strategy that transcends the bounds of organizations. As a result, the project offers an opportunity for many partners to share knowledge and collaborate on the development of creative solutions to better meet the requirements of the communities (Murtagh & Erwin, 2022). Local governments and community groups' ability to give insight into local needs and ensure that solutions take into consideration the context in which people live also contributes to the usefulness of this system-level …show more content…

The establishment of the initial partnership between important groups, including delegates from the hospital organization, county health division, healthcare society, legal assistance, and council of neighborhood clinics, emphasizes the understanding that resolving complex healthcare challenges calls for cooperation and collective action. The creation of the HSD Joint Consumer and Expert Advisory Panel is another example of systems thinking in action because it gives consumers and representatives from various system components a forum to interact, share knowledge, keep track of managed care problems, and offer guidance to the Health and Welfare Agency (Murtagh & Erwin, 2022). The committee recognizes the intricate nature of healthcare and the necessity for specialized attention to certain areas, like quality improvement and mental health, since there are subcommittees within the committee that concentrate on diverse themes. To solve complex healthcare concerns and promote long-lasting system change, HSD places a strong focus on partnerships, cooperation, and continuing

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