Introduction To Charley Mcelroy's Transformed: San Francisco

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Please give us a short introduction to your book, Transformed: San Francisco

Charley McElroy is a handsome, well-heeled travel writer and CIA informant who also happens to be a female-to-male transman. And he’s having a midlife crisis. Charley gets suspended by the Agency after forgetting to pay his taxes. Only days earlier, yet another marriage proposal has been spurned. In his grief and confusion, Charley befriends Electra, a high-powered Manhattan socialite-turned-dominatrix rebuilding her life in San Francisco. Then he meets Frankie, a disgruntled lesbian police sergeant who has been demoted by the SFPD for being a whistle blower.
Together they uncover a Christian fundamentalist’s lethal plot to destroy the ‘hedonists’ of San Francisco. Yet, neither the SFPD nor the CIA will take the threat seriously due to the trio’s outsider status. Can they get anyone to listen to them? Or are they on their own? Find out in this funny thriller filled with San Francisco’s spectacular scenery and inimitable, quirky characters. …show more content…

Here's what we love to write: stories that show how people in a particular dramatic tangle get transformed by the process. In Transformed: San Francisco, the heroines, a suspended spy and an emerging dominatrix, and the villain, a bereaved Christian terrorist, are all changed by their encounter. That shift is a lot of fun to read as people become humbler, more open, more inspired or more courageous.
This is also a 'quirky queer' spy novel in that some of the players are gay or transgender ... though not all. It's important in our world, we think, to write inclusive books that are truly for