Hip Dislocation Case Study

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Case Report: Posterior Hip Dislocation with Ipsilateral Femoral Head and Shaft Fracture - Using a Temporary External Fixator as a Method for Closed Reduction
Abduljabbar Alhammouda,1, Mason AlNouria, Abdulmoeen Bacoa a Hamad Medical Corporation, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, P.O. Box 3050, Doha, Qatar Corresponding author. Email: aghammoud85@hotmail.com

All of the authors stated above have read and approved this manuscript
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare

Type of Manuscript: Case Report Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Complex fractures are increasing because of various traumatic mechanisms. They drift from standard classifications, and their treatment is controversial. Of such cases are hip dislocations with associated …show more content…

Clinical examination, X-rays, and CT scan revealed a posterior hip dislocation with an ipsilateral femoral head and mid-shaft fractures. The patient was treated by closed reduction of hip dislocation using a temporarily applied external fixator followed by intramedullary nailing of the femoral shaft.
DISCUSSION: Achieving a closed reduction is a challenge with ipsilateral fractures, but it should be favored over open reduction due to a lower risk of complications. The type of femoral head fracture, in this case, may have aided in an easier reduction.
CONCLUSION: Hip dislocation is an orthopedic emergency, its treatment is challenging if associated with ipsilateral fractures. The decision of a closed versus an open approach should be made after considering the management plans of other …show more content…

The patient was taken to the operating theater for closed versus open reduction and intramedullary nailing of the left femur. Within 5 hours of his injury, the patient underwent closed reduction of the left hip with the aid of a temporary external fixator applied on the femoral shaft proximal to the fracture. The external fixator rod was used as a handle, and the reduction was successful after the first attempt, as confirmed by the C-arm (Figure 2). Subsequently, the external fixator was removed, and intramedullary nailing of the left femur was carried out. After completion of the procedure, the left hip was examined and found to be stable with the femoral head fragment not affecting the movement. The patient was discharged after three days with a clean, dry wound and full weight bearing ambulation as tolerated. Unfortunately, he was lost to follow-up and attempts to contact the patient were

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