Iraq War Justified Essay

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In 2001 The United States started the infamous “War on Terrorism”; this initiative changed the political landscape of America to this day and prompted the U.S invasion of Iraq in 2003 after faulty intelligence was found that suggested weapons of mass destruction (WMDS) may be present. In this war over four hundred thousand civilians have been killed and over three thousand Americans have lost their lives. Even with the several United Nations (UN) resolution violations of Iraq, they posed no imminent threat to the United States making the U.S -led war in Iraq a war of aggression and therefor the war was un-justified.
In the spring of 2003, the Bush administration decided to launch the bloodiest American Campaign since the Vietnam War over forty …show more content…

Since then the situation hasn’t gotten much better in terms of electrical infrastructure (Crocker) (Press, Associated). Scattered throughout the nation, a large portion of the five hundred-thousand civilian deaths previously mentioned was from this now destroyed infrastructure due to people lacking essentials such as food, water, work, shelter, electricity, and money. Unfortunately, Iraq hasn’t been able to recover since the American occupation and in-fact, many places are in worse condition than during the war because The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a terrorist group, which resides in Syria and Iraq, has been taking larger portions of Iraq’s land. To put it simply, Iraq doesn’t have the support it’s needing to hold land for its people or for its army. Since American troops have withdrawn from the Nation many other insurgent groups are now heading into Iraq as a safe haven for terrorism. Iraq is in far worse condition now than it was before the war or even during the war, this intervention has caused far more potent and long-lasting issues than ever anticipated during the initial plans of the