
Irony In Beowulf's Honor

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“Better a thousand times to die with glory than to live without honor.” - Louis VI. The moral of this quote is that almost all men and woman dream and thrive to feel the sensation of glory and honor at least once in a their lives. The ballad is reasonably related to the epic Beowulf since the main character, Beowulf, thrives for glory and honor. Beowulf sharply displays three firm themes throughout the plays; such as: good triumphs over evil, warriors are willing to go to extreme lengths to display their physical might, and a person’s actions should speak louder than their words. The author of Beowulf made it clear when detailing and implying the theme; which is a person’s actions should speak louder than their words. FOr instance, the author presents some ad …show more content…

Irony was used in the fight with Grendel to greater the themes presence. As an illustration, “no blade on earth, no blacksmith’s art could damage their opponent ... He had conjured every weapon.. His bodily powers failed him,a tremendous wound / Appeared on his shoulder.” (801-816). To illustrate, the previous passages show a form of irony since it explains clearly that the opposing demons, the evil, cannot be harmed; however, Beowulf, the good, was able to cut off Grendel’s shoulder which lead to his death. In addition, the author used a tragedy to promote the theme even more. To enumerate, in “Beowulf attacks the Dragon”, it states the following, “They had killed the enemy, courage quelled his life; / that pair of kinsmen, partners in nobility, / had destroyed the foe. So every man should act, / be at hand when needed; but now, for the king, / this would be the last of his many labours / and triumphs in the world.” (2707-2712). To clarify, Beowulf fought many with ease, but one after another he grew weaker and the enemy grew stronger and eventually fought to his tragic

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