Irritable Bowl Syndrome Research Paper

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Irritable bowl syndrome can make daily activities unbearable. Patients usually experience chronic diarrhea or chronic constipation. Fortunately, sticking to an IBS diet plan can relief the symptoms of IBS. Doctors can prescribe medications to treat IBS, but starting a new nutrition plan has been proven to relive symptoms for many people dealing with IBS.

Increase Soluble Fiber and Avoid Insoluble Fiber
Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, but eating too much insoluble fiber can cause digestion problems. A diet high in grains can cause abdominal cramping. Instead of eliminating fiber, people with IBS should reduce grains and increase produce. Fruits and vegetables are soluble fiber, and they break down in water.

Switch to Gluten-Free Pasta and Breads
Avoid foods that contain gluten. The chemicals in gluten can worsen the symptoms of IBS. People with a sensitivity to gluten are more prone to diarrhea and constipation. An IBS constipation diet should minimize or eliminate pasta and bread. If you still want to cook your favorite pasta dishes, you should switch to gluten-free pasta.

Avoid Fatty and Greasy IBS Trigger Foods
Plenty of fatty foods are IBS trigger foods. Foods high in fat are usually low in fiber. People dealing with diarrhea and constipation should be very particular about eating fatty foods. Greasy foods should not be included in IBS diet …show more content…

You doctor will work with you to create a diet for IBS. Your doctor can check for additional medication conditions, and let you let you know what IBS foods to avoid. Your body might react differently to certain diets, but your doctor should be able to give you customized feedback after a medical exam. Avoiding caffeine and exercising every day can benefit all people dealing with IBS symptoms. If symptoms persist after diet changes, diarrhea and constipation medications can reduce painful or loose bowel

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