Is Failure Better Than Success

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“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again”
Failure is often a better teacher in life than success. Because we go through so many things in life, both good and bad, we have to learn from our mistakes and hope we won’t have to go through them again. One may consider success as being a major influence on whom we are to date, but in all reality it’s our own failures that help us learn, encourages us to keep going, and prepares us for future failures that are bound to happen. Failure is by far the only way we can truly learn, and by doing this you realize the mistakes that you’ve made. You learn how you should have done things in order not to make the mistakes that you did. The next time you try to succeed at the same task you can easily apply what you learned from your previous mistakes. I personally believe that the more we fail in life, the greater the chances we have in learning from them and therefore becoming successful. Everyone has failures in life obviously, but it’s the way we overcome them that reflect on our true selves. Success will for sure keep us motivated and encourage us to continue doing good, but if we never had our downs as well as ups then we wouldn’t have the knowledge and experience that others have. I think that the only way to learn is to fail because if you get things done right the first time I’d consider you lucky since that rarely occurs. Sometimes even though you may succeed at something it might not necessarily be your best work. Perhaps