Is Global Warming The Greatest Threat To National Security Summary

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In the article, “Is Global Warming the Greatest Threat to National Security?” author William Jasper addresses one of the most controversial topics, global warming and how it is believed to negatively impact a nation's national security. Seemingly, global warming is not just a matter of climate change, but also a matter of a national stability. The article commences by quoting important political figures such as Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and even President Obama, all which seem to agree that AGW(anthropogenic global warming) is the root of most “terrorism, instability, inequality, and disease” nationwide. Then it proceeds to talk about how global warming could be negatively affecting countries such as Syria due to its terrorism. The article uses important political figures and even presents valuable scientific data of droughts and other natural disasters to support claims, but quickly turns away to discuss how global warming has no real influence, instead scientific data demonstrates that global cooling has had more …show more content…

The way the author has set up his article suggests it is a problem and solution, he begins by quoting presidential candidates as well as the president, whom clearly state their viewpoints, then uses scientific articles to go along with their claims. Even when the author shifts from discussing the harmful effects of global warming to discussing the complete opposite, global cooling, he provides scientific data to further support his claim. For the most part the author uses a very formal tone, but towards the end of the article he transitions to a more casual and slightly aggressive tone. Judging by the author's tone and setup the article seemed informative while also trying to persuade the reader to agree with him. The author of this article presents his ideas in an orderly manner while also maintaining a relatable tone and a well defined