
Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Out of all the controversial topics in the world today, one of the well-disputed arguments is the following: is technology taking over the world? Many people argue against this, claiming that technology is responsible for many important contributions to the world. However, many agree that technology is evolving way too rapidly to maintain a functioning society. One individual that agrees with this claim is Nicholas Carr, who in his essay titled “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” discusses this idea of the negative effect associated with the rapidly growing state of technology. Although, I do agree that technology is very beneficial to the current state of the world; I find the growth to be much too rapid. In order to have a positively functioning …show more content…

It is available to virtually everyone virtually everywhere. Between computers, tablets, and smartphones, the threshold of the internet is easily accessible at our fingertips (literally). The internet is extremely beneficial for many reasons, some of them including: communication on a global scale, a vast range of information, and countless sources of entertainment. It also offers hundreds of job opportunities nationwide, and is an important factor in the running of businesses. On an environmental note, by having the ability to store everything electronically, it avoids the need to hand write and print out information. Because of this, there is less of a need to cut down trees, thus the result is a preservation of the environment. In summary, the best outcome of the internet is within keeping the world a more rounded, better communicative place – which is achievable within a matter of seconds. However, with several advantages always arises a list of …show more content…

There is a completely separate point of view some individuals take in that, if no one used it, there would be no need for it. In other words, because of the rapid spread of internet use, the demand for it is higher. So if no one chose to use it there wouldn’t be such a strong reliability and therefore, none of this would be an issue. But because the use of it is at such a high demand, for example with business use and social media, the demand for the rest of the public to use it is at a higher consumption rate. On the other hand, another approach to this is: some may argue that technology is only a conflict because it is not something society is used to. The conflict with internet usage may just be a result of the lack of comfort with its particular role in society. If we give ourselves time to adjust to this new way of life, we may find it to be more beneficial in the long run. In the discussion of this conflict, I feel that both of these viewpoints can be beneficial in drawing a

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