
Is Google Making USupid Summary

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Adapting to Infinite Information Do you think reading this article might make you stupid? Did you end up here using Google or any search engine some way shape or form to reach this article? Chances are that the answer to both of these questions is the same, according to Carr’s recent article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Carr then goes on to explain the advance in technology lead to an ease of receiving large amounts of information very quickly, so quickly in fact that the readers now lose focus on what they were reading and skip to the next article. I agree that it is much harder focusing on reading online than it used to be, but I believe it isn’t only the readers who changed the way they read and what they read, but also the writers changed …show more content…

In the line, “Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski (Carr).” Carr basically explains that, back in a time when there was no internet, and the only way to get information was to get a physical copy of a book, people spent a lot more time reading all the details and focused on the reading for a longer period of time. But today, now that people have access to internet, just read the source very quickly to get the main idea and then “NEXT!” Carr claims that today, companies like Google are trying to feed us more and more information, because “In Google’s view, information is a kind of commodity, a utilitarian resource that can be mined and processed with industrial efficiency.” So basically, the more information they get people to look at, the more opportunities they have to collect data and advertise. This endless information at people’s fingertips, in turn, made people lose focus on articles more easily, as they can skim through multiple sources really quickly. Now these people have trouble reading a full article and retaining its information, which is why google is making people …show more content…

The question remains, why people are becoming more “stupid?” I think everyone, including Carr, agrees that the web made so much more information available to everyone. There is just too much information available with the advancement of technology to get caught up in one specific article/idea for long enough to have a meaningful understanding and memory of it. I think people still read as much as they used to, but there is just access to much more information with the increase of technology, that they spread out their reading over all the different topics. Readers seem to becoming more “stupid” because there is just too many things to read, and information just keeps flooding in, that readers just can’t retain all that information that quickly, and seem stupid because they just forget what they read about. That is the same reason they switch articles, and lose focus, is that there is just too much to read, and not enough time to read every article. “Seeking maximum speed, maximum efficiency, and maximum output, factory owners used time-and-motion studies to organize their work and configure the jobs of their workers.”(Carr) Just like Carr said, readers are comparable to factory owners during the 1900’s. People are just trying to spend their time in the most efficient way possible, and if that requires skimming through an article to get the main idea and move on, then that is what

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