
Is Graduating From College Really Worth It Essay

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Is Graduating From College Really Worth It?

Did you know nearly 5,000 colleges and universities exist in this country? Graduating from any of those colleges of universities can lead to elite business schools and law schools also to high paying jobs. Stated in an article by Robert Reich in the “ Huffington Post” states “ A degree from a prestigious university can open doors to elite business schools and law schools -- and to jobs paying hundreds of thousands, if not millions, a year.” This evidence proves that going to college or university benefits you by getting a job that pays more. Reasons why not to graduate college is because there are many good jobs that don’t require you to go to college, you can still be very successful, and most graduates end up in jobs that do not need a degree. One reason why graduating from college is not worth it is because there are many good jobs that don’t require you to graduate from college. In an article in the website “ Business Insider” it states “ There are plenty of high-paying jobs that require only a two-year …show more content…

In an article made by Robert Reich on March 22, 2015 in The Huffington Post it states “ Last year, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 46 percent of recent college graduates were in jobs that don’t even require a college degree.” This enforces the reason because it talks about how many students end up in jobs that do not need a college degree and 46 percent is a pretty big amount. In conclusion, it is not worth graduating from college because there are many good jobs that don’t require you to go to college, you can still be very successful, and most graduates end up in jobs that do not need a degree. The articles titled from “ The Huffington Post”, “ Business Insider”, and “CNBC” helped prove this point by supporting it with reasons and

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