Is Space Exploration Worth It Worth The Money?

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Should we explore space?
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to explore space? According to Maryanne Coronna, the author of “Leaving Main Street'', “Humans explore space because it’s in our genes''. Humans just want to explore and that is what Americans do. This is the big question: “Is space exploration worth it, is it worth the money?” People should spend money on space exploration, because humans are naturally curious and the cost for space travel is only a small fraction of the government's budget.
To begin with, the cost for space exploration is only a small fraction of the government’s budget so why worry if space exploration is too expensive? As Maryanne Coronna stated in “Leaving Main Street'', “At a cost of six-tenths of a percent of the federal budget it’s well worth the price.” Nobody should be stressing about money for space exploration when the government can pay for it and still have enough money for other things like preserving Earth. Maryanne also stated “ If we stop exploring space, soon society will have forgotten what it’s like to be human.” Humans need space because they explore that’s what they do. The whole exploring space is a key moment in human life and if the government stops letting people explore they don’t get an …show more content…

Maryanne states that “ Humans explore space because it’s in our genes''. That statement shows what humans do so why take it away when humans love exploring. The passage “Leaving Main Street” also states that a lot of people remember wanting to know what was “over there”. This confirms that we shouldn’t stop exploring space because there are a lot of people who want to know what is out in space. This evidence shows that there are people who are curious about space and want to explore, so why take it