Is The Bible Reliable Essay

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Have you ever read the Bible and wondered if it’s authentic? Many people question if the Bible is an accurate historical source or if it’s fiction. This question has interested historians, scientists, and theologians for centuries. Every aspect of the Bible and its authors are entirely genuine and true. The Bible is the primary support for many religions around the world. Many people don’t believe in the Bible’s certainty, however, all of the Bible's historical events align with non-religious records throughout history. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the most populous religions in the world based on the Bible. There are also many minor denominations of these religions such as Methodist, Baptist, and Catholic which all still rely on …show more content…

Over time, the Bible has been translated into 724 languages. The holy book has also been found in 5,800 copies of Greek text, over 10,000 in Latin, and another 10,000 copies in other widespread languages. Historians estimate that there are nearly 6,000 “surviving” manuscripts of the New Testament, let alone the Old Testament. This means that the Bible is undeniably the most copied document in the world. “Comparing the incredible amount of manuscript evidence has shown that the New Testament is 99.5% accurate, and the vast majority of differences are in spelling or minor copyist errors” (“The Reliability of the Bible: 4 Quick Thoughts”) The extreme amount of transcripts leads to the theory that the book has a much greater use than simple …show more content…

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). When standing at a particular place at the North Pole during the spring, you cannot see any stars with your eyes. This is due to the rotation of Earth and its position relative to the Bootes Void in the sky. The Land of Uz, Job’s home, is four thousand miles away from the North Pole. Job would not have been able to see this occasion, the only way for him to have written this passage is through supernatural