Biblical Worldview Essay

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Understanding the Biblical Worldview What is a worldview, how does it affect us or the people around us, and how can it relate to the word of God. Everyone has a worldview, it does not discriminate upon people. It doesn’t matter or care if whether someone is educated or not, God fearing or unbelieving, rich or poor, everyone will have a view. A worldview allows people a guide onto how to act or live in the world around them. Everyone will have a different view that allows them to live and act in a way they believe in. One must first understand exactly what a world view is before you can delve deeper into how it affects us and the people around us. A worldview can be seen as guide or framework to how people may make sense of the world around them, life, and reality. It is defined by how one sees life around themselves. Derived from the German term Weltanschauung, the word refers to the beliefs a person will hold in regards to such issues as …show more content…

Different denominations have varying worldviews however the Christian view is a worldview that is Christ centered and based upon the teachings of those found within the bible. Like a normal worldview, it is a framework of ideas and beliefs through which a Christian individual interprets and interacts with the world. It is to essentially love and server God. It allows a Christian to make sense of their world and life. This is a view that begins with a God who embraces those outside of himself, who planned a redemption that centered on sacrificing himself of behalf of the Christian people. A Christian worldview is also seen as when you believe the bible is entirely true in that you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and do. Why is this view important to people? If you don’t believe in the truth of God and live by it, then all witness’s will be confused and mislead by the idea and teachings of the bible. This is a way of life that helps people live by the word of their