
Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Isaac Newton By Kyle Draper Early Life: Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December (Christmas day) 1642 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. His father had died 2 months before he was born and when he was 3 years old his mother remarried, moved away and left him in the hands of his grandmother. He received a basic education in the Local schools in his area and at the age of 12 he attended ‘King's School’ in Grantham, England. While in ‘King’s School’ he stayed with a pharmacist named Clark. During his time living with Clarke Newton became interested in Clark’s chemical books and entertained his daughter by making mechanical devices such as a model wind mill run by live mice etc. It also should be mentioned though he was never diagnosed …show more content…

What this means is every little particle mass attracts every other particle of mass this why everything within earths gravitational field is attracted to earth, the reason we are not attracted to buildings or the moon or anything else is because the earths mass is bigger than anything else within a gravitational reach of us. But there is also the sun, the sun is approximately 1,300,000 times the size of earth (in mass in diameter it is around 109 so the sun is much more massive (heavier) than earth) this why earth orbits the sun and every other planet in our solar system also does. The reason humans don’t get sucked off earth and on to the sun is because humans are much closer to earth, and the earth is 149.6 million km away from earth so the gravitational pull from earth acting upon everything on earth is much stronger than the suns. The same reason applies as to why the moon orbits the earth with the moon being 384,400 km (not very far relatively speaking with earths gravitational reach being roughly 1.5 million km) and equivalent to 1.2% (7.347 x 1022 kg) of the mass of earth which allows the moon to orbit the earth. On a much bigger scale if you think about our galaxy everything orbits the milky way galaxy at an average speed of 828,000 km/h (One full orbit takes around 225 million earth years this is known as a galactic year) and the black hole at the center of our galaxy being around 3.2 trillion km wide and weighing around 4 million times the mass of the Sun so 7.9564e+36 kg (a huge mass which is why it is known as a supermassive black hole). A black hole has got so much mass compacted in such a small area that anything that gets too close to it (passed

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