Isaac Otto Palk: Due Date Cambodian Genocide

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Isaac Otto Palk-Slaughter ELA-8-3 Due Date Cambodian Genocide Genocide is “The intent to destroy in whole or in part a nation, ethical, racial, or religious groups”(Choitiner). It is important to understand historical atrocities to avoid subjectivity. Genocide is a sensitive subject which could upset people. Understanding these atrocities could help put an end to genocide and other atrocities. There are many Biblical teachings and perspectives in the Bible. The first example is justice and righteousness. Psalm 89:14 says”Justice and righteousness are the foundation of your throne;steadfast love and faithfulness go before you(English Standard Version). Justice and righteousness are essential to your life. The next is human dignity and sanctity. …show more content…

Lastly, there's God's character and his response to injustice. God forgives all who call upon his name and is working to redeem his creation( the gospel and justice). God forgives all of his creation, no matter what they do. The country of Cambodia was under the control of the Khmer Rouge from 1975-1979 and 1.5-3 million people died(Cambodia). The reason for this selection is that this topic seemed interesting and wanted to learn more about it.This Genocide is relevant in many ways. First, this genocide is still affecting the country and its people today. This also affected the educational system (Walque). The Khmer Rouge greatly affected the country of Cambodia and its citizens. Through history, there have been many horrific human atrocities, such as the Cambodian genocide. “ Cambodia became a French colony during the 20th century, experiencing the turmoil of war, occupation by the Japanese, postwar independence, and political instability”(Cambodian culture and religion). Cambodia has had many different rulers, including the Japanese, French, and the Khmer …show more content…

Accessed 29 April 2024. “Ethnic groups in Cambodia.” World Map / World Atlas / Atlas of the World Including Geography Facts and Flags -, Accessed 29 April 2024. Evans, Gareth. “Lessons From The Cambodian Genocide.” Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: Home, 14 December 2020, Accessed 29 April 2024. “Genocide in Cambodia.” Holocaust Museum Houston | Human Rights Exhibits & Education, Holocaust Museum Houston, 03 August 2023, Accessed 29 April 2024. Overton, Leonard L. “Cambodia | History, Map, Flag, Capital, Population, Language, & Facts.” Britannica, 29 March 2024, Accessed 29 April 2024. “recognizing every person's God Given Diginity.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Accessed 29 April 2024. Walque, Damian de. “,.”, - YouTube, 5 March 2024, Accessed 29 April 2024. Yale University. “Cambodia Genocide Program.” Genocide Studies Program: Welcome, Yale University, 2024, Accessed 29 April

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