Isak Dinesen The Ring

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“The Ring” by Isak Dinesen portrays the story of a young woman, Lise, who is born into a wealthy family and marries a boy of lesser wealth. Lovisa searches for happiness through the possession of exquisite items. Lise realizes that her aspirations in life are unrealistic because her husband can not provide for all of her needs. Bertonneau defines Lovisa as living in the real world and not paradise (239). Lovisa matures throughout the short story because she understands the importance of loving and appreciating her husband; She also becomes more knowledgeable of the world around her and fathoms that there is evil within it. Lovisa is a dramatic character because she undergoes an inner change. The characterization of Lovisa in Isak Dinesen’s …show more content…

Lise develops into a mature character because she is able to remain strong in strenuous situations. According to Thomas Bertonneau, Lovisa is “jolted out of her childishness into a consciousness of life.” (239) The themes of violence and consciousness advance Lise’s strength. Lovisa is able to defend herself from the sheep thief when she feels threatened by him; She gives him her ring because it is the only thing of monetary value she has with her. (Dinesen 209) Lovisa stays calm during the exchange which shows an increase in emotional strength. Thomas Bertonneau wrote about “The Ring” as art describing tragedy. He said the tragedies that go on in someone’s lifetime reflect their perception and interpretation of life. He was referring to Lovisa as she goes through a series of events where she is changed. Bertonneau infers that an increases of consciousness will result in an increase of strength. …show more content…

Lise sets a standard for women in todays times because she stands up for herself even when she is put in uncomfortable situations. As portrayed in the story, women are vulnerable to actions that they do not approve of, and Lise sets a perfect example of remaining calm and collective. Growing in strength and morals will help you succeed when you are on your own because you will be able to defend yourself and make better decisions. Better morals lead to overall better decisions which can help you live out a happy and healthy lifestyle. Otherness is an important part of Lovisa’s identity, and it enhances her “self”. Lise discovers her “self” just prior to being made aware of the “other” beyond and within her. Early on, Lovisa struggles to understand her husbands reasoning for many of the things he does. She understands the true meaning of life when her husband talks to her about what he was doing with the sheep when she was so upset. Lise becomes physically stronger because she has to fight off the thief, but her mind becomes stronger from learning everything she has to do in that type of situation. She is more aware of the world because now she processes that bad things do happen in the world; Lovisa also able to distinguish between the good and the bad in life. Her morals and identity