Ishmael Ahab Quotes

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In the beginning of this epic tale, Ahab is a character that is shrouded in mystery and legend. In fact, Ishmael’s first encounter with Ahab came as such a shock to him that: “[S]o soon as I leveled my glance towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ran over me…Captain Ahab stood on the quarter-deck” Further along in the epic, Ahab's dark intentions become clear and the reader sees that his entire being is set on revenge. Even going as far as to drag his crew into a frenzy as well “Death to Moby Dick!…[B]arbed steal goblets were lifted; and to cries and maledictions against the whale…" However, as the voyage wears on, Ahab seems to fall deeper into his mad quest and is even willing to sacrifice the ship and its whole crew, if need be to

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