Ishtar Archetype

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An archetype is the original pattern or model from which all models of the same kind are copied or on which they are based. This may also be described as a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought or image universally present in individual psyches. According to Carl Gustav’s perspective, the Mother Goddess is an “archetypal image at work within the human psyche and finds expression in ritual, mythology, art, and also in dreams.” Her functions were associated with agriculture, controller of love, and creator of humankind.
The dominant belief is that these are the earliest depictions of life and that there are many Mother Goddesses myths found in all ancient cultures. Mother archetype has different forms such as she is infinite …show more content…

The Mother Goddess belief did not raise the status of women. However, some of the cultures were matriarchal. She was often depicted the same way in different cultures. Many times, a similar type of Mother Goddess would appear in different areas of the world.
Ishtar was one of the most important Mother Goddesses of her time. She was the evening and morning star. She was the female counterpart of Baal and was considered the Queen of Venus. Her original name is said to be Inanna which meant Sumerian Goddess or ‘one with many names’.
Ishtar means ‘Queen of Heaven’, Babylonian Goddess or Ishtar Gate. she was the daughter to Anu and Nanna/Sin. Her depiction was that she was winged, had flamed eyes, a flaming naval and wore a rainbow necklace. The comparison between Inanna and Ishtar was that Inanna was Sumerian, was associated with love, war and childbirth, she was the daughter to Sin and Ningal and was from the underworld while Ishtar was Babylonian, was associated with war and sex, she was the daughter to Anu and was also from the underworld.
Ishtar had wings, was depicted with lions and owls and her nakedness was supposed to symbolise fertility. She had both powers and