Islamophobi Pride Or Prejudice Towards American-Muslim Children

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Islamophobia There are about 1.6 billion Muslim people living around the world as of 2004. Islam is becoming one of the largest and fastest growing religions in the world, and even though Islam is one of the most peaceful religions in the world, it faces the most hate. Islamophobia is the dislike or prejudice towards Muslims, and it's increasing every day in society. Even our own president calls it, “Common sense”. Islamophobia is real and it needs to be recognized because of the increase in hate crimes, increase in racial profiling, and an increase in bullying towards American-Muslim children. A recent study has shown that 50% of American-Muslim children have been bullied for their religion and only 53% have reported it to their parent or teacher. The children who said they did not report it to their parent or teacher said, “It will keep happening anyways”, or, “We already told the school and they did nothing.” These statistics show that Islamophobia is real and parents are not only talking about it to friends, they are talking about it to their own children. There are children now going around make comments against Islam, which is spreading Islamophobia even more. Islamophobia needs to be recognized because it is ruining the childhood of many American-Muslim children. …show more content…

In June 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced a “special registration”. This required all males from Arab and Muslim countries to report to the government to register and be fingerprinted. No other groups of men were required to do this at the time, this shows that racial profiling is high towards the Muslim community. Also our new president, Donald Trump, recently said during an interview with John Dickerson from CBS that profiling muslims is “common sense”. A president should be open to all ethnic groups and not discriminate one. Society is making it harder and harder for Muslim people to be happy and feel