Ism 511 Healthcare Analytical Structure

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ISM 511 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE INSTRUCTOR: DR.KEITH MORNEAU BY: ANIL PATTEMSETTY Introduction: Analytics is the organized use of data and related business understanding through applied analytical regulations. These analytics are used for taking decision in planning, management, measurement and learning (The value of analytics in healthcare, page 2). Healthcare analytics consisting of techniques, tools that help healthcare organization to check their performance and guide decision making. Healthcare Analytical Adoption Model: Healthcare organization (HCO) are mainly effective at descriptive analytics which involves collecting data from their organization and converting …show more content…

Data analysis consisting of data collection, data sharing and data analytics. In healthcare the data collection is done by electronic medical record (EMR), sharing the data between the workflow team done by health information exchange (HIE), finally collected and shared data is analyzed by enterprise data warehouse (EDW). HCO are vastly using analytics capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of information and operational improvement to meet the business new challenges. Analytic data provide more personalized healthcare, we can also find frauds and predict the patient behavior. In organization every level has its own kind of development, organizations like Intermountain healthcare ineffective at lower levels but from level 5 its start efficiency where analyst and data architects spend more time on marketing differentiating analytics. Level 0 of Analytics adoption model is characterized by split point solution which focused on limited analytic capabilities like pharmacy, finance, acute care nursing and laboratory physician productivity. The solution given by them isolated to one area. These applications are neither related with data warehouse nor related with each other. Sometimes we may get overlapping data, it lead us to run application multiple times i.e. more labor and less