Issues In Charter 60 And Charter 62, Policy And Politics

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This paper will explore the issue presented in charter 60 and charter 62, Policy and Politics, regarding workforce and staffing ratios. The essay will inform the reader steps instituted at the management level that might help solve the problem in workforce and staffing ratios. I will attempt to discuss benefits and conWhat do you think the issues presented in Chapter 60 persist in today’s workforce? The supply of planning requires knowing the real workforce supply numbers. According to Mason, Diana., Gardner., Deborah., Outlaw, Hopkins, Freida, O’Grady, t., Eileen. Policy and Politics (2016,503) states” Nurses are the front-line providers of care for most health care consumers.” Demand in nursing according to mason is not the same as the need in nursing. …show more content…

The phrase supply and demand will come in handy for the problem with nurse-patient ratio. Mason mentions, (2016,503), Although there is a lack of nationally collected and analyzed data on the nursing workforce, researchers have predicted a nursing shortage of 300,000 to nearly 1 million nurses by 2030(justice et al.,2012). Shortage of nursing have care givers to drop out of the profession due to over work and safety issues. I have witness in my career of nursing caring and smart nurses change profession due to being overworked at their place of employment. According to, the baby-boomers are swelling the Medicare rolls, and The Affordable Care Act allowing individuals access to more healthcare are contributing problems for issues in the workforce in the 21st