Issues In Ecuador Essay

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“Many of the emissions for which poorer countries are blamed should in fairness belong to us”(Mckibben 270). As stated before Ecuador contributes about about 0.1% of the Earth’s greenhouse emission, yet industrialized countries such as The United States blame poor countries like Ecuador for climate change. “ One sixth of the world’s population is so poor that it produces no significant emissions at all” (Mckibben 270). In poor communities like Esmeraldas, people cannot afford cars or items of luxury. Much of Ecuador lives in disparity, yet they are forced to face the impacts that will come because of the emissions of G7. Of course, people that live in countries of privilege won’t face these risks because most have enough money to adapt to the changes that will need to be made in the future, but in …show more content…

In Ecuador, everyday's a struggle for most families, some cannot afford cars so they the “immigrant buses” to their jobs, while others walk. Yet rich countries expect third world countries to be left with all this debt that they have caused. Why should a country like Ecuador pay the price? The answer is they shouldn't.
“Even deforestation in poor communities is driven mostly by commercial operations delivering timber,meat, and animal feed to rich consumers. The rural poor do far less harm” (Mckibben 270). Even the slightest bit of greenhouse emissions poor countries emit, is to fulfill the needs of rich consumers. The United States and other well developed countries should help poorer countries adapt and assimilate to the risks of climate change. “Two years ago, Ecuador’s center left president Rafael Correa, said something very rare for the leader of an oil exporting nation: He wanted to leave the oil in the ground. But he argued, wealthy countries should pay Ecuador- where half the population lives in poverty-not to release that carbon as “compensation for the damages caused by current