Issues Of Racism Research Paper

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The Issues of Racism There are many different issues in this nation. With every issue someone faces a consequence. When it comes to abortion it’s the baby; with animal cruelty it’s the animal; but with racism, it’s the minority. Racism is broken down into so many different fields, and is considered to be one of the most relevant issues in our country today. The three main categories that one should most consider would be the work environment, who people are taught to hang around, and the speech that people use on a daily basis. There are so many people that suffer from these three problems every day, and every day it get worse. Racism is defined as the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to …show more content…

In these occasions, a person is judged beforehand, and/or on sight. For those people who have urban names, that would not be considered common, they might be judged automatically beforehand. On a segment of the show “The View”, Raven-Symone, a well-known actress made a comment on “ghetto names”. In the show the panel watched a video that made a joke of the most ghetto names in America, and when it was over Raven took it upon herself to say “I’m not going to hire someone with the name Watermelondrea”. Now in this particular case, Raven-Symone herself is also African American judging another based on the content of their name instead of the character themselves. With that being said, this is an incident that occurs on a daily basis. Intelligent people, with bright futures are branded before they even enter a room, just because of their name. This is not only discriminatory, but just flat out …show more content…

These parents choose to teach their children to group with the common and shun the uncommon. In these cases, it basically turns into bullying. When a minority enters a school they are most likely to be avoided, and ignored. This can be for a couple different reasons. Some might just be to shy to make friends, other might be ignored for the ambiance they put off, and lastly just the plain reason of the tone of their skin. If a minority enters a classroom, its instinct for whom ever is the majority to judge them. In this case it really doesn’t matter what the race is. The amount of shade thrown at this person is all based off of their appearance. For example, if a Caucasian child entered an urban school, and became the only Caucasian in the classroom, it would be easy to judge them based off of their appearance. This is simple because its clear their not the same in almost everything they do. It’s not only Caucasian families that judge the African American, its also the other way around. So for this minority to enter in the classroom, they could be treated just as terribly as an African American in the workplace. With this being a child, it could very well hurt them mentally and push them into a psychological corner. When someone is shunned this way it only causes more problems for the child in the future. So if more families took it upon themselves to

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