It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a comedy sitcom that follows the lives of five egotistical friends who regularly get into trouble due to their poor judgement and misguided antics. In the episode The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition, the five friends decide to recreate the popular TV show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in hopes that their good deeds would later benefit themselves. “The gang” breaks into a home and essentially terrorizes the family throughout the episode while simultaneously trying redo the house. The violence within the episode is mostly directed at the home owners, the Juarez family. Within the 22-minute episode, nine physical acts of violence were portrayed, followed by ten situational violent incidents and twenty violent verbal incidents. The physical violent incidents were mostly unnecessary to and did help to enhance the comedic effect nor did they contribute to the plot. For example, the Juarez family was …show more content…
Some of these verbal incidents included, “don’t make man hurt you,” “wake up my brown friend,” “whoa they look freaky as shit,” “your life is no more,” and “I’m going to blast your face off.” The violent dialogue was repetitive and mostly unnecessary. However, the verbal incidents were useful to continue with the established character profiles. The violent verbal dialogue also helped to develop the theme of lost in translation. The episode followed the format of the show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, including the final home reveal. The theme of lost in translation encompassed most of the physical and situational violence within the episode. The Juarez family did not speak English and were unable to figure out why they were being held captive and therefore feared for their lives. The violence in the show is sanitized by humor, but it follows a storyline of kidnapping, torture, and arson. The entire comedy incorporated topics of humiliation, bigotry and racist