Jack Kevorkian Assisted Suicide Analysis

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This week reading from Pence was very interesting. This chapter will full of examples of doctors who supported Assisted-physician suicide. One of the doctors was Jack Kevorkian. He was the medical pathologist who helped many terminally ill people to end their lives. He was sentenced for jail for 25 years for reason for practicing illegal-assisted suicide. He was released later, after authorized were convinced that Dr. Jack would not conduct another case. He died at age 83. The next interesting topic was of Dr. Quill. He never agreed with Dr. Kevorkian approach and his method of helping the terminally ill patients but he himself helped his patient Diane to die. When Dr. Quill knew the fact that there is no way to treat Diane, he gave a drug that killed Diane. That time attorney prosecuted him for murder but grand jury refused to indict him. They said that dr. Quill helped Diane to die privately, and more importantly he was treating her from long time. …show more content…

POU’S case happened after hurricane Katrina hit. Memorial hospital was fully packed with more than 2000 people and lack of food, water and sanitary facilities. When Dr. Pau find out that help to evacuate patients were not coming they recognized that fact that terminally ill people will slowly die in pain. The conditions of patients were getting worse every day.
Nazi euthanasia was on of the most debatable issues in the early 21st century. During Nazi’s period approximately more than 300,000 Germans were put to death. This case is also known as the gas chambers technology used by Nazi in the war. These gas chambers were mainly constructed on the hospital grounds. There are different claims including Nazi’s argument, some of them which are mentioned in the books are:
“1. Involuntary killings of people for medical reasons led to the