Jack Sparrow In The Movie Series 'Real Life Pirates'

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(Real Life Pirates- Monique Navarro) In the movie series, Pirates of the Caribbean, the character of Jack Sparrow is based on actual real pirates. Despite the fact that the character, Jack Sparrow is not based on one actual pirate from the period, most pirates could not swim and Jack Sparrow could. Just like Sparrow, most pirates were mostly active in the Caribbean and they were all from England with exceptions. Jack was the type of pirate who wanted everyone to know him, just like Calico Jack. The movie tells us that Jack Sparrow gets marooned twice by Barbados. Edward Lowe and Edward England were like Sparrow because them three were all marooned by their own crew and then escaped. Jack was always very concerned about his looks especially about his hat, like Calico Jack and William Kidd. Calico Jack and Jack Sparrow were very similar because they both very nice dressers and had a huge desire for gold and treasure. Jack also wore a white long-sleeved shirt like most pirates. He also had dreadlocks just like Blackbeard. Like most pirates, Jack Sparrow stood with confidence, strength, and pride. In the movie, Pirates of Caribbean, Elizabeth and Jack had to walk the plank just …show more content…

Weapons were very necessary for the pirates to raid with and get their goods. The flags were very important to the pirates because when they raised their flag, this declared that they were going to attack. The flags also symbolized death and they used it to scare their enemies, which is psychological warfare. Although, swords were used in the Age of Piracy, in the movie the pirates used swords in most land-battles, and on the ships they used long swords which is historically inaccurate. A cutlass was usually used when fighting multiple people in tight spaces. Also, a sword was very long and sharp, and the pirates needed to have much precision and space to fight with