Jackie Robinson Is Winning Everything Essay

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Is winning everything? To some people it might be but to Jackie Robinson it was a lot more. Jackie Robinson was the first African American that played professional baseball. To him winning wasnt everything but it was important. He had to go through a lot to get what he wanted in the end.
Jackie Robinson was given the opportunity to play professional baseball and be the first African American to play in the big leagues. He wanted to play because he liked it and he saw this an opportunity to help other African Americans gain more freedom and to be treated more fairly. Even if he didn’t win the baseball game he would still be showing people that he was good and could control his temper in hard situations. He thought that would show everyone else that he isn’t different than any of them and he should be treated the same way they treat each other.

He was asked to play …show more content…

He was told he couldn’t stay at certain hotels. People called him names and purposefully tried to make him get mad but he kept his cool. Eventually African Americans were able to start playing more sports with whites and were starting to be treated more fairly.

That’s why i think winning wasn’t everything to Jackie Robinson he wanted African Americans to have more freedom and to be treated with more respect. Eventually other African Americans were being able to play other sports and started being treated more fairly. So really Jackie Robinson did win he just won outside of the game baseball and it was a much greater victory than just winning a baseball game. He made it so everyone can play sports no matter what race they are or where the came from. Jackie robinson is a great example of a role model because he didn’t freak out on people when they were mean to him but instead he tried to ignore it so he could help other people in the long