Jackie Robinson Obstacles Analysis

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In life, having to overcome an obstacle or barrier isn't an uncommon thing. I've been through many difficult obstacles but there was one in particular that took much effort and a few of Jackie Robinson's nine values, until I could finally overcome this particular obstacle. This obstacle was a lack of confidence and self-doubt. A few causes of self doubt would be low self esteem, excessive criticism in the past, or an inner voice or critic that encourages negative talk about one's self. For me, it was two out of the three. I've never had a really high self-esteem and I've always told myself that I couldn't do what other people could. Growing up, I've had great role models that did amazing things for the world. They were all confident, intelligent, and athletic. I used to dream about growing up to be just like them! As I got older and got a sense of reality, I couldn't help but start to doubt that I could ever be like them. I would even compare myself to others and think how I could never be as talented as they are. All of this really brought me down. In just a few weeks, I went from this happy beam of light to this self-doubting rain …show more content…

I signed up for a few sport programs such as soccer and I gave it my best shot. Although, I did soon realized that I didn't discover a great sport's talent. It didn't matter too much since I put excellence in each sport that I tried which was all that mattered to me. I did discover that I was superior at academics, though. When I mixed in excellence with effort, I got really high grades and scores which really boosted my low confidence! I may have been starting to doubt myself a little less since discovering that I was good at academics but I was not yet done with my commitment. I've still many more talents to discover but I can now start to see that beam of light, fighting to break out from behind those dark clouds of