Jackie Robinson Thesis Statement

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Tino Foster
Miss Bonini
8th Grade English
Did you know that Jackie Robionson was the first African American baseball player? Even though the MLB (Major League Baseball) has many people of color now, it was not always that way. Back then there were different leagues for people of color, but Jackie Robinson changed that. We are lucky to have virtuous leaders in this world to make a change, and one of them is Jackie Robinson. Throughout Jackie Robinson's life, his hard work paid off and he broke the color barrier in the MLB, making him a virtuous leader. In order to understand Jackie Robinson's life, it is important to know about his early life and how he became the virtuous leader he is. He was born on January 31, 1919 in Pasadena (Jackie Robinosn,Jackie Robinson.org). He grew up without a dad, and his mom took care of him and his four siblings. He went to John Muir Technical High School in Pasadena and then Pasadena University for college(Jackie Robinosn,Jackie Robinson.org). Jackie Robinson grew up in a bad neighborhood with racist neighbors that were all white. Their …show more content…

He exemplified the virtue of patience throughout his career. He showed this virtue when he was not allowed to play certain games. This also showed the virtue of temperance. He showed this by not retaliating and staying within himself. “Jackie expanded the fanbase of the Brooklyn Dodgers, since most blacks looked to Robinson for courage”(Jackie Robionson, Jackie RobinsonChangedSports). This shows the impact that Jackie Robinson had on society. His effect encouraged people around the world to make it their goal to make it to the MLB even if they were a different race. This impact eventually made him eligible to make it to the baseball hall of fame. This was a huge accomplishment for him after all his hard work to make it to the MLB and make a change. This was Jackie Robinson's biggest