Jacques Cartier's Exploration Of Canada

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Jacques Cartier and his exploration of Canada By: Jaymee Yeung 7-2 Jacques Cartier was born on Saint-Malo on Dec 31, 1491, and in total, he made three trips to North America. On his third and last voyage, a series of unfortunate events stopped King Francis I from sponsoring expeditions for him ever again, and he died on Saint-Malo in 1557. On Cartier’s first and second trips, he was sponsored by King Francis I to find a route to Asia through North America, and to find valuable spices and precious metals on his first one, he set sail with two ships and 61 men, explored Newfoundland and discovered Prince Edward Island. On Cartier’s second trip he found the Iroquois, heard tales of riches further west from them, and traveled back to France