Jad And Robert's Theories Of Morality In Radiolab Podcast

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What is morality and where does it come from? Is one of the most peculiar question to ask ever. Jad and Robert tries to explore the theories of morality through a Radiolab podcast. Turns out the theory of where morality comes from is actually more diverse than it seems. Psychologist Dr. Joshua Greene, discusses his theory that moral behaviors are evolved from empathy. Joshua proves his theory through the evidence of brain’s neuron system which is performed by the mirror brain system. For example, you can save five people by killing one in a rail track if you pull a lever and most of the people says yes. Yes in the neuron system shows one area of the brain lighting up. The second part is you can save the four people but this time you have to push a man in the tracks in order to save everybody and most of the people says no. …show more content…

Joshua suggests that when you face a situation like the rail tracks your brain has subdivisions that provides different options. One part is the logique part in this case saving five for one that’s logical and that lights up. But there is another part that is our inner chimp and that part says no way you can not kill a man which lights up a different section. Out of the different competitions of the subdivisions within the brain comes morality. Joshua thinks morality doesn’t come from our mother, father or experience. Morality is biological and we inherit it from our ancestors and morality is always evolving. To prove on Joshua’s theory Frans De Waal shares his research about how animals have the same moral patterns which shows the evolution of morality in humans. The podcast also provides several situations to emphasize on the theory. Like chimps sharing food, Eastern State Penitentiary, ape saving a boy, killing your own baby to save the village, a game in fourth grade and many others. All the examples suggests that morality is biological and humans inherit morality from