James Baldwin The Power Of Language Analysis

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The Power of Language James Baldwin’s idea of language being the “key to one’s identity” is a correct assessment. The manner in which a person speaks or what they say often acts as a highway leading directly to private information that creates their identity. This can reveal to a person’s audience their level of education, level of confidence, and how they may fit in with those surrounding them. With taking these factors into consideration, it can be understood that your language defines who you are. Often times how one speaks can reflect a personal level of intelligence or education. Ben Carson, a highly respected, well-educated, legendary brain surgeon, is easily read as being brilliant when he speaks. His word choice, sentence structures, and good manners compile together to convey his degree of intelligence. If you were to meet someone who used improper grammar, profane or inappropriate language, and was uncivilized, it could be inferred that they were uneducated and lacked deference. Educational background is interpreted through use of grammar and proper or improper word choice. The content of your speech and how one goes about projecting those ideas can reveal self-esteem levels to those listening. Donald Trump, a successful …show more content…

In the 1930s and 40s, the Holocaust era, if you spoke like a Jew, it was easily understood that you did not belong and were, more often times than not, punished for it. How the Jews spoke, their language or accents, defined them, caused them discrimination, ridicule, and torture. Around the time of 9/11, and even currently, if someone had an Arabic accent, many would immediately develop a negative view of that person. Instances such as these are prime examples of how a person’s accent or vernacular can instantly place them into a corner of society, which they may not necessarily fit into, or do not deserve to be subjected