
James Dashner's The Maze Runner

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The Maze Runner ,written by James Dashner, is a science fiction book. It takes place around two-thousand thirty or higher and in a maze. The people of the glade (Gladers as called in the books) had their memory wiped and live in a Glade surrounded by the maze. The glade consists of the homestead, slammer, bloodhouse, deadheads, gardens, and the box. Thomas ws sent in after two years worth of people were sent in. the other explained how things worked. A person was sent up each month on the same day and time and supplies were sent up once a week. Everybody in the maze was male and they had a system and rules number one being no one that is not a runner can enter the maze. They also had “jobs” there were runners, sloppers, med jacks, builders, slicers, brick nicks, cooks, map makers, and baggers. Runners ran into the maze came back and made maps, sloppers took care of stuff like cleaning, med jacks were the …show more content…

Chuck was the newest before thomas. They became friends and the day went by with a little confrontation with Gally. Gally claimed to have seen Thomas through the changing. The changing is a process where someone is given the grief serum after being stung by a griever and they get some of their memories back. In the morning newt the co-leader and the nicest person to thomas besides chuck woke him up before everyone else and showed him a griever. Grievers are the monsters of the maze. They are slimy and have appendages with lights, saws, claws, and spikes on them. The next day Alby took Thomas on a tour. In the middle of it the box came up with a girl. She said everything is going to change, passed out and had a note clutched in her hand saying she is the last one. Everyone blamed Thomas. Thomas went to the dead heads and was attacked by ben. Alby shot ben with a bow in the head but he didn't die so they put him in the

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