Jamestown Dbq B

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In the year of 1607, King James l was the ruler or King of England. The King allowed 110 men to travel on a journey to find gold in a place that is now called Jamestown named after their Ruler. Many colonists died in Jamestown because of the Indians who attacked and killed many. Doc B is a timeline written by J. Federick Fausz in January, 1990. It is a Magazine Article entittled “An Abundance of Blood Shed on Both Sides: England’s first Indian war 1609-1614. This timeline shows how many people and how people died in Jamestown from 1607-1610. According to Doc B, of the 542 English settlers in Jamestown between 1607-1610, about 150 men were killed by Indian attacks. Doc B’s article shows that the Indians might have killed the English settlers

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