Jamestown Slavery

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(August 3, 1492) Christopher Columbus left Palos, Spain with three ships, Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina, He sailed to an island in the Bahamas arriving on October 12. In March 1493, he returned and was received with the highest honors by the Spanish court. This was important because he went back to Spain harboring both gold and spices. As well as “Indian” captives.

(1512) The Encomienda System, a way to give a Spaniard a restricted set of property rights over Indian labor, is created. Idealy, the plan was that Spaniards would protect, take care of, and convert, Natives and they did labor in return. In reality, the Spanish people force long labor, don’t pay workers, fail to protect Natives, and seize their land.

(1517) The Protestant …show more content…

This is the first among many successful British colonies.


(1619) European settlers in the Caribbean and Central South America used slaves in the 1500s. The first captured African slaves arrived in Jamestown on a Dutch ship in 1619. It was not yet established if these slaves would be indentured servants or slaves.

(1620)Pilgrims seek refuge in the New World. Arriving in New England aboard the Mayflower, they sought religious freedom. November 11, 1620, they signed a contract called the Mayflower Compact. This was the first governing document in Plymouth colony.

(1675) Led by Metacomet, the Wampanoag leader referred to as“Philip” by the English, began a war with New England settlers when natives from New England refused to be colonized. Started when the Massachusetts government tried to gain court jurisdiction over local Indians, it was a bloody series of battles. With the help of the Mohawks, the colonists won. This victory opened other Indian lands for …show more content…

Under Washington’s command, they killed 10 French soldiers at Fort Duquesne, including the French commander, Coulon de Jumonville, took 22 prisoners, and lost one man. Only two years later, May 15 1756, Britain will declare war on France.

(1756) Wanting to take more land to increase fur trade, tensions rose as New France settlers focused on the Ohio River valley and the Great Lakes where British settlers were also moving into. A weak peace treaty in 1748 was only a temporary pause in the power struggle in Europe. By the 1950s, animosity broiled again in North America. By 1756, war was declared, beginning the French and Indian war.

(1763) The proclamation of 1763 was a document issued October 7, 1763 by King George III. Following after the Seven Year war, it forbade settlement outside the Appalachian Mountains.

(1764) April 5, 1764, the Sugar Act was passed. As an effort to control war debts, Parliament passed a law taxing foreign wines, coffee, textiles, and indigo imported into the colonies, expanded the customs service and required colonial vessels to fill out papers detailing their cargo and