Japan American War Essay

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This investigation assesses to what extent was the involvement of Japan with the United States and the United Nations during the Korean War relevant in the improvement of Japan’s economy during the 1950s. In order to do so; this investigation mainly focuses on Japan’s peace and security treaties with the United States and the United Nations.

It will examine Japan’s economy prior the conflict, United States security agreements and peace treaties with Japan and South Korea, Japan’s industrialization and exportation, Doughlas McArthur and the reasons why he decided to help with Japan’s political rehabilitation and economic recovery.

This investigation will utilize “KOREAN WAR HELPS JAPAN ECONOMICALLY: Also Brightens Outlook For Peace Treaty …show more content…

They had repeatedly confrontations over issues such as: choosing a separate or comprehensive peace treaty, the decision to let the United States have their bases there and the renewal of the Japan-US Mutual Security Treaty in 1960. On the other hand, United States signed a treaty of peace and security with Japan on September 8, 1951 in San Francisco, known as the San Francisco Treaty. John Foster negotiated the treaty between 1950 and 1951, it concluded the bitterness and defensive state in which Japan and the 47 Allies were at, and put a halt to the American Occupation. The same treaty excused the Japanese from paying the reparations for the war. The same day the San Francisco Treaty was signed, the Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru signed the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. This agreement allowed American troops in Japan, therefore, transforming the Japanese islands into a relevant asset of the United States control over Asia. For the United States, meaning for COAP Douglas MacArthur, it was important to focus on strengthening and helping the Japanese develop their economy and politics instead of punishing them with reparations; Japan was a key ally, not an

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