Jay Sterling Silver's Argument Analysis

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In society, people should be ethically responsible with helping people. People act ethically responsible when one is in need of assistance because they let their sympathetic feelings of compassion take over their intentions. Ethical responsibility is a duty or obligation to ensure the individual’s well-being through specific commitments; such as saving someone from a certain tragedy. One piece of evidence from the text that demonstrates the sudden acts of ethical responsibility is “Can the Law Make Us Be Decent” by Jay Sterling Silver. Though many may argue that Silver’s argument is invalid, most will agree that his argument is in fact agreeable. The emotions of a person can trigger him or her into being a responsible human being by assisting …show more content…

People should treat their unnecessary motivations as a worthless commitment when it comes into doing something very crucial like saving a man drowning in the water. The relationship between a country’s legal system and ethical responsibility is establishing the connection of people being able to risk political and civil responsibility, while wanting to be admirable for others. Finally, many people in fact find Silver’s argument on ethical responsibility flawed; some will also find his argument reasonable because people’s emotions causes them to do random acts of helpfulness in an ethically manner. Society will improve and become beneficial through civil liability. Silver suggest that the U.S should have fair terms for people who at least attempt to assist others in need as best as possible. In addition, the people emotions mostly triggers a person’s senses into doing helping others ethically indirectly or directly. If the United States did establish ethically responsibility as a law then there would be many advantages and disadvantages. The relationship between a nation’s legal system helps people realize that there are governments order and nothing is given in return of committing an an act that is ethically