
Jazz Music Vs Classical Music Research Paper

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Jazz and Classical are two very different genre types of music. They are different because jazz music is mostly made up by the musician while it is being performed whereas, Classical musicians play the exact notes that are on the music sheet by the person who wrote the music when they perform. Another reason they are different is because the way the rhythms are performed. Classical music starts on the first beat of each measure and Jazz starts on the second beat of each measure. In jazz music, there is a swing beat meaning that instead of two eighth notes being equal in length, the first eighth note is longer than the second one in a triple feel. In classical music the eighth notes are straight. In jazz music the usual beat can include …show more content…

Louis Armstrong said, “If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.” Jazz is a type of music that came from African American communities in the U.S. in the late 19th and 20th century. It is Americas only true form of art. Jazz music came from NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana). The city included people of many different races from all over the world. Jazz is more of a dirty, aggressive tone. Jazz uses a lot of dynamics also called crescendos and decrescendos meaning for the sound to get softer or louder. Jazz music isn't music that you just read off of a sheet of paper. It is music that is played by the emotions that you feel, the passion that you may have for the music or the desire that you have to play it. It is music that comes from the soul. If you are feeling pain, love or hurt you express it through your instrument how you feel. Jazz has a very forward momentum called “swing” and it uses expressive notes called “blue” notes that may be somewhat lower in pitch than those on the major scale. When the instruments are playing the jazz music you may hear where it sounds as if one instrument is talking to the other and the other answers like human beings talking to one

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