Jealousy In Ray Bradbury's 'All Summer In A Day'

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In Ray Bradbury’s All Summer In A Day, he tries to teach us that jealousy can change someone’s actions. There are three examples in the story of jealousy changing someone’s actions. The first one is the kids locked Margot in a closet. Second, when the kids were saying that the sun doesn’t look like a lemon. Last, when the kids kept Margot from having fun it shows jealousy.

The first example of jealousy changing someone’s actions is where the kids locked Margot in a closet. This shows that the kids were jealous that Margot remembers the sun and they don’t. The kids’ jealousy keeps on controlling them by making them be mean to Margot. Jealousy shouldn’t control people’s actions.

Another example of jealousy changing someone’s actions is the